
The National Academy of Science Reviews Our Agricultural Safety Center - July 24, 2012

Results from a recent National Academy of Science (NAS) Review of the NIOSH Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Program (AFF) reveals health and safety researchers are conducting highly relevant and effective occupational health research in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries. NYCAMH/NEC is one of nine Regional NIOSH AFF Centers and research activities at NYCAMH/NEC were included in the NAS review. The NIOSH AFF program received a perfect score on relevance and a nearly perfect score on impact. As indicated by the review panel, "Research has been in very high priority areas and is highly relevant to improvements in workplace [safety and health] protection".

In addition to these high ratings, the review panel indicated considerable progress had been made since the 2007 review of the program. In particular, the panel was impressed with efforts to strengthen the engagement of stakeholders in the agricultural community and the development of strategic goals for injury and illness surveillance, research, education, and other needs.

In summary, the National Academy was considerably impressed with NIOSH AFF efforts, statingĀ "The AgFF Program has contributed in a meaningful way . . . to improving worker safety and health in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector."

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