
Grain Bin Safety Week 2024 - February 19, 2024

Grain Bin Safety Week is observed the third full week of February each year. This awareness event highlights the hazards present in grain bins (and other confined spaces) and encourages forward-thinking about best practices related to grain storage. Auditing your safety practices and investigating methods to increase grain quality is a win-win for your farm.


In addition to NYCAMH's commitment to safety, Nationwide organizes a national campaign annually, including dozens of resources and an opportunity to nominate your local first responders for training and grain rescue tubes. Click here to see more and to nominate your emergency squad!


NYCAMH offers training about Personal Protective Equipment, Confined Space Awareness, Lockout/Tagout, and dozens of additional topics. Contact Farm Services Navigator Christina Day at 800-343-7527 to learn how NYCAMH can be your partner for a safer farm.

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